Sublation Magazine (USA) - Ecological Catastrophe, Collapse and Socialism (Chomsky-Fuentes Debate)Autor Encargado15 jul 20221 Min. de lecturaActualizado: 2 jun 2024Marxism and Collapse - Polemics-Document: "Ecological Catastrophe, Collapse, Democracy and Socialism. A debate between Noam Chomsky, Miguel Fuentes and Guy McPherson" (first part - sublation edition)-Link:
Marxism and Collapse - Polemics-Document: "Ecological Catastrophe, Collapse, Democracy and Socialism. A debate between Noam Chomsky, Miguel Fuentes and Guy McPherson" (first part - sublation edition)-Link:
Three Years Since the Start of the War in Ukraine. Against the Imperialist Plans of Putin and Trump! (Marxism and Collapse)
Zelensky Desafía a Trump y Putin! / Zelensky Defies Trump and Putin! / Zelensky défie Trump et Poutine!
Jaime Vindel y la Corrupción del Ecosocialismo Español / Jaime Vindel and the Corruption of Spanish Ecosocialism (Readings - Lecturas)