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La Revolución socialista ante una amenaza mortal y la necesidad de una II  Conferencia de Zimmerwald


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into a black hole, nat geo, Schrodinger, photo, nuclear war, DOCUMENTAL, norton antivirus, a journey into a black hole, michio, el sol, multiverse, Mars: Making the New Earth, mecanica cuantica en fisica, michio kaku big think, black hole, national geographic, milky way, documental de discovery channel en español, Fisica, inside black hole, black, documentales en español, colonia orbital, veritasium, Evolution, documentales, estación espacial, survival, cuantica, Actor), sol, física teórica, inside a black hole simulation, sistema solar, black hole simulation, mecanica cuantica experimentos, viajar por universo, terrorism, LA MECANICA CUANTICA, event horizon, Gerard K. O'Neill, explore, multicultural, locutor, michio kaku videos, documental de sirenas, via lactea, Schrodinger's cat, Michio, event horizon telescope, bienvenidos al futuro, galaxia, telescope, kaku, discover, cyber, norton security, see, Science & Technology: Space, quantum, universes, colonias espaciales, Biology, norton secure vpn, space, Brains, Everett, DOCUMENTAL CIENCIA, BigThink, michio kaku interview, Mankind, colonia espacial, ww3, nature, viajes tiempo, galaxies, Michio Kaku, greenhouse gas, physicist, MECÁNICA CUÁNTICA, entering a black hole, mecanica cuantica aplicaciones, inside a black hole, supermassive, photon sphere, wildlife, universo, what is a black hole, principios de la mecánica cuantica, norton 360, MECANICA, spaghettification, documentary, mankind, Hábitat espacial, image, Big Think, interstellar, journey into a black hole, going into a black hole, documental na..., locutor online, Week, documental completo, eht, general relativity, multiversos, quantum mechanics, doomsday, planetas, norton, documental de animales salvajes en español, ciencia,, O'Neill, Science, what is the likelihood that mankind will destroy itself?, documental, MECÁNICA CUANTICA, Teoría cuerdas, will mankind destroy itself, Time, hole, falling into a black hole, Sean Carroll, pionero de la mecánica cuantica, animals, mecanica cuantica explicacion, science, MECÁNICA, cat, lifelock, cosmos, michio kaku mankind will destroy itself, mecánica cuantica documental, MECANICA CUANTICA DOCUMENTALES, fundamentalist, security, Teoría de las cuerdas, nuestro sol, nuestra galaxia, innermost stable circular orbit, michio kaku civilization types, parallel universe, technology, black holes in space, mecanica cuantica y sus aplicaciones, Physicist, Kaku, space engine, constelaciones, black holes, picture, travel inside a black hole, superposition, viajes al espacio, black hole animation, global warming, space documentary, MECANICA CUANTICA, monocultural, Technology, entanglement, astronomy, Physics, branching, cyber safety, Expedition, natgeo, wave function, Sgr, life on mars, norton vpn, 4588, decoherence, many worlds, physics, mecanica cuantica documental, shrodinger

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Explicación simple de las 10 dimensiones

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A Journey into a Black Hole

Read more Like us on Facebook: Many Space Fans have been asking for more information about black holes, specifically, what would it be like to go inside one? Andrew Hamilton of the University of Colorado made this amazing animation and I wrote a script around it. MUSIC USED: Touch the sky: Iambic^2 Black Violin: Leonard J. Paul Ozone: Leonard J. Paul Theme (Feature): Leonard J. Paul

Science & Technology

black hole, astronomy, general relativity, galaxies, black holes, space documentary, documentary, inside a black hole, black holes in space, black hole simulation, journey into a black hole, inside black hole, interstellar, space engine, what is a black hole, falling into a black hole, travel inside a black hole, a journey into a black hole, black hole animation, going into a black hole, into a black hole, spaghettification, entering a black hole, inside a black hole simulation

How to Understand the Black Hole Image

Read more We have just seen the first image of a black hole, the supermassive black hole in the galaxy M87 with a mass 6.5 billion times that of our sun. But what is that image really showing us? This is an awesome paper on the topic by J.P. Luminet: Image of a spherical black hole with thin accretion disk Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 75, no. 1-2, May 1979, p. 228-235 Using my every day intuition I wondered: will we see the "shadow" of the black hole even if we're looking edge on at the accretion disk? The answer is yes because the black hole warps space-time, so even if we wouldn't normally be able to see the back of the accretion disk, we can in this case because its light is bent up and over the black hole. Similarly we can see light from the bottom of the back of the accretion disk because it's bent under the bottom of the black hole. Plus there are additional images from light that does a half turn around the black hole leading to the inner rings. What about the black hole "shadow" itself? Well initially I thought it can't be an image of the event horizon because it's so much bigger (2.6 times bigger). But if you trace back the rays, you find that for every point in the shadow, there is a corresponding ray that traces back to the event horizon. So in fact from our one observing location, we see all sides of the event horizon simultaneously! In fact infinitely many of these images, accounting for the virtually infinite number of times a photon can orbit the black hole before falling in. The edge of the shadow is due to the photon sphere - the radius at which light goes around in closed orbits. If a light ray coming in at an oblique angle just skims the photon sphere and then travels on to our telescopes, that is the closest 'impact parameter' possible, and it occurs at sqrt(27)/2*r_s Huge thanks to: Prof. Geraint Lewis University of Sydney Like him, I'm hoping (predicting?) we'll see some moving images of black holes tomorrow Prof. Rana Adhikari Caltech Riccardo Antonelli - for excellent images of black holes, simulations and ray-tracing code, check out: The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration Check out their resources and get your local link for the livestream here: Special thanks to Patreon supporters: Donal Botkin, Michael Krugman, Ron Neal, Stan Presolski, Terrance Shepherd, Penward Rhyme Filming by Raquel Nuno Animation by Maria Raykova


veritasium, black hole, black holes, image, picture, photo, see, milky way, supermassive, eht, event horizon telescope, event horizon, photon sphere, innermost stable circular orbit, black, hole, telescope, Sgr



Science & Technology

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Parallel Worlds Probably Exist. Here’s Why

Read more The most elegant interpretation of quantum mechanics is the universe is constantly splitting A portion of this video was sponsored by Norton. Get up to 60% off the first year (annually billed) here: or use promo code VERITASIUM Special thanks to: Prof. Sean Carroll His book, a major source for this video is 'Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and The Emergence of Spacetime' Code for solving the Schrödinger equation by Jonny Hyman available here: I learned quantum mechanics the traditional 'Copenhagen Interpretation' way. We can use the Schrödinger equation to solve for and evolve wave functions. Then we invoke wave-particle duality, in essence things we detect as particles can behave as waves when they aren't interacting with anything. But when there is a measurement, the wave function collapses leaving us with a definite particle detection. If we repeat the experiment many times, we find the statistics of these results mirror the amplitude of the wave function squared. Hence the Born rule came into being, saying the wave function should be interpreted statistically, that our universe at the most fundamental scale is probabilistic rather than deterministic. This did not sit well with scientists like Einstein and Schrödinger who believed there must be more going on, perhaps 'hidden variables'. In the 1950's Hugh Everett proposed the Many Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. It is so logical in hindsight but with a bias towards the classical world, experiments and measurements to guide their thinking, it's understandable why the founders of quantum theory didn't come up with it. Rather than proposing different dynamics for measurement, Everett suggests that measurement is something that happens naturally in the course of quantum particles interacting with each other. The conclusion is inescapable. There is nothing special about measurement, it is just the observer becoming entangled with a wave function in a superposition. Since one observer can experience only their own branch, it appears as if the other possibilities have disappeared but in reality there is no reason why they could not still exist and just fail to interact with the other branches. This is caused by environmental decoherence. Schrodinger's cat animation by Iván Tello Wave functions, double slit and entanglement animation by Jonny Hyman Filming of opening sequence by Casey Rentz Special thanks to Mithuna Y, Raquel Nuno and Dianna Cowern for feedback on the script Music from "Experimental 1" "Serene Story 2" "Seaweed" "Colorful Animation 4"


veritasium, science, physics, quantum mechanics, many worlds, Schrodinger, Schrodinger's cat, shrodinger, cat, Sean Carroll, Everett, norton 360, norton, lifelock, norton antivirus, norton security, norton secure vpn, norton vpn, cyber, quantum, multiverse, parallel universe, universes, superposition, entanglement, branching, wave function, decoherence, security, cyber safety

La Teoría de Cuerdas y el Multi Universo Documental

Read more La teoría de cuerdas es un modelo fundamental de física teórica que básicamente asume que las partículas materiales aparentemente puntuales son en realidad estados vibracionales. El sueño de Einstein La clave está en la cuerda (El Universo Elegante, Brian Greene) Universo elegante: El sueño de Einstein. La clave está en la cuerda. Bienvenidos a la 11ª dimensión.. El Universo Elegante es un documental en el que se habla de un posible Multiverso formado de universos paralelos en los que habría 11 dimensiones y no 4 como conocemos. Esto es, al menos,.


Teoría cuerdas, física teórica, universo, viajes tiempo, viajar por universo, sistema solar, galaxia, constelaciones

Michio Kaku Explica la teoría de las cuerdas

Read more Un locutor comercial en un profesional de la locución especializado en la grabación de mensajes publicitarios. Su objetivo es, a través de una comunicación atractiva, motivar a la audiencia a tomar una acción determinada. Este tipo de locutores suelen ser muy solicitados para la grabación de spots publicitarios de cine, radio, televisión e Internet), pero también para voces en los documentales, audiolibros videos corporativos, e- learnings, entre otros. Características de un Locutor Comercial Para lograr atraer al público y persuadirlo de tomar determinada acción, el locutor comercial debe cumplir con una serie de características que lo ayudarán a alcanzar su objetivo. Por eso, un buen locutor comercial debe: Ser convincente Tener capacidad persuasiva Su interpretación debe poseer una fuera vencedora Saber interpretar personajes y/o situaciones Establecer un vínculo positivo con los clientes Saber enfocarse en las emociones o intenciones para darle vida a un guion Tener una excelente dicción Ser capaz de hablar en español neutro (también inglés, alemán o cualquier otro idioma que domine sin acentos regionales) Tener una lectura adecuada Ser versátil Existen muchas otras habilidades que puedes encontrar en un locutor comercial, pero estas que acabo de mencionarte son las principales que debes buscar, a la hora de contratar los servicios de un profesional de la locución comercial. ¿Qué es un Locutor Comercial Publicista? Un locutor comercial publicista, como su nombre lo indica, es un locutor para publicidad. Este pone su voz en diferentes recursos publicitarios como spots para televisivos, de radio e Internet, así como en otras herramientas utilizadas por la publicidad y el marketing. Las agencias de publicidad suelen utilizar locutores comerciales para dar voz a los recursos publicitarios que le permitan ayudar a las empresas a llegar a más cantidad de clientes. Locutor Comercial En Inglés Esta es una característica muy deseable para quienes buscan un locutor comercial. Pero no se trata sólo de saber hablar inglés, sino de saber aplicar las habilidades comunicacionales de un locutor para publicidad en lengua anglosajona. Eso y mucho más puedes encontrarlo en, pues además de locuciones en español e inglés, podrás contar con un locutor comercial en alemán. Una gran ventaja que te ayudará a llegar a un público más amplio. Locutor Comercial Youtube El ron del locutor comercial continúa expandiéndose, pasando de los medios de comunicación audiovisual tradicionales, al mundo del Internet. Ahora puedes contar con las voces de profesionales de la locución para tus páginas web, redes sociales y canal de Youtube. Hoy en día los videos son cada vez más utilizados en la web, por eso, las empresas se han visto en la necesidad de crear sus propias producciones audiovisuales adaptadas a Internet. Youtube es por excelencia el lugar donde millones de personas consumen horas enteras de contenido audiovisual. Por eso, contar con una buena locución para tus producciones es imprescindible si quieres destacar entre la gran cantidad de Youtuber y aficionados que llaman a diario la atención con videos virales. Tu locutor comercial se encargará de atraer a tu audiencia con las más avanzadas técnicas de comunicación verbal, desmarcándote del resto de tu competencia. Definitivamente, si deseas que tu empresa y/o proyecto triunfe en grande, contratar los servicios de un locutor comercial que se encargue de darle el toque de distinción originalidad a tus producciones audiovisuales. Evita quedar rezagado ante tu competencia y busca ya a


Fisica, Teoría de las cuerdas, Michio Kaku, locutor, locutor online

Michio Kaku: Will Mankind Destroy Itself? | Big Think

Read more Will Mankind Destroy Itself? New videos DAILY: Join Big Think Edge for exclusive videos: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERVIEW Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku sees two major trends today. One eventually leads to a multicultural, scientific, tolerant society that will expand beyond Earth in the name of human progress. The other trend leads to fundamentalism, monoculturalism, and -- eventually -- civilizational ruin. Whichever of these two trends wins out will determine the fate of mankind. No pressure, everyone. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICHIO KAKU Dr. Michio Kaku is the co-founder of string field theory, and is one of the most widely recognized scientists in the world today. He has written 4 New York Times Best Sellers, is the science correspondent for CBS This Morning and has hosted numerous science specials for BBC-TV, the Discovery/Science Channel. His radio show broadcasts to 100 radio stations every week. Dr. Kaku holds the Henry Semat Chair and Professorship in theoretical physics at the City College of New York (CUNY), where he has taught for over 25 years. He has also been a visiting professor at the Institute for Advanced Study as well as New York University (NYU). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question: What is the likelihood that mankind will destroy itself? Michio Kaku: I say looking at the next 100 years that there are two trends in the world today. The first trend is toward what we call a type one civilization, a planetary civilization, a civilization that resembles something out of "Buck Rogers" or "Flash Gordon." A type two civilization is stellar. They consume so much energy they can play with stars. That is for example the Federation of Planets in "Star Trek." "Star Trek" would represent the typical type two civilization. Then we have type three, which is galactic like the Borg or "Independence Day" or the empire of "The Empire Strikes Back." That is a type three civilization, which is truly galactic. Now by the time you reach type two, you are immortal. Nothing known to science can destroy a type two civilization. Comets, meteors, earthquakes, even a supernova a type two civilization would be able to survive even a supernova. The danger is the transition between type zero and type one and that’s where we are today. We are a type zero civilization. We get our energy from dead plants, oil and coal. But if you get a calculator you can calculate when we will attain type one status. The answer is: in about 100 years we will become planetary. We’ll be able to harness all the energy output of the planet earth. We’ll play with the weather, earthquakes, volcanoes. Anything planetary we will play with. The danger period is now, because we still have the savagery. We still have all the passions. We have all the sectarian, fundamentalist ideas circulating around, but we also have nuclear weapons. We have chemical, biological weapons capable of wiping out life on earth. So I see two trends in the world today. The first trend is toward a multicultural, scientific, tolerant society and everywhere I go I see aspects of that birth. For example, what is the Internet? Many people have written about the Internet. Billions and billions of words written about the Internet, but to me as a physicist the Internet is the beginning of a type one telephone system, a planetary telephone system. So we’re privileged to be alive to witness the birth of type one technology, a planetary telephone system. What is English? English is the beginning of a type one language. Everywhere I go around the Earth, people speak English because that is the lingua franca of science, technology, business. They all speak English. It is the number one second language on the planet Earth. And what is the European Union? The European Union is the beginning of a type one economy. And how come these European countries, which have slaughtered each other ever since the ice melted 10,000 years ago, how come they have banded together, put aside their differences to create the European Union? Well to compete with us and who are we? We are NAFTA, so we’re beginning to see the beginning of a type one economy as well. Then we’re beginning to see the beginning of a type one culture. Everywhere I go you turn on the radio and what do you hear? Rock 'n' roll, you hear rap music. You hear youth music. Youth music is now planetary, knows no boundaries around the planet earth. Everywhere I go I see high fashion: Chanel, Gucci bags. We’re witnessing the birth of a planetary fashion. Read the full transcript on:

Science & Technology

Big Think, BigThink,, Michio, Kaku, Michio Kaku, Mankind, Evolution, Actor), Time, Physics, Biology, Brains, Science, Technology, Physicist, technology, physicist, multicultural, terrorism, fundamentalist, monocultural, will mankind destroy itself, michio kaku interview, michio kaku big think, michio kaku civilization types, michio kaku mankind will destroy itself, michio kaku videos, what is the likelihood that mankind will destroy itself?, michio, kaku, mankind, doomsday, nuclear war, ww3

English subtitles movie "Gagarin: First in Space" (cut version)

Read more This is my English subtitles for the movie "Gagarin: First in Space" about the historical event of 1961 It's a 2013 movie A cut of the movie was used here

Science & Technology


Las colonias Espaciales - Documental en Español

Read more Las colonias Espaciales - Documental en Español. Hábitat espacial: Un hábitat espacial (también llamado una colonia orbital, colonia espacial, ciudad o asentamiento) es una estación espacial construida como un asentamiento permanente en vez de solo una estación de tránsito u otra instalación especializada. Ningún hábitat espacial ha sido construido aún, pero muchos diseños han sido propuestos con variado grado de realismo tanto por ingenieros como por autores de ciencia ficción. Aproximadamente en 1970, cerca del final del Proyecto Apollo, Gerard K. O'Neill, un físico experimental, estaba buscando un tema que tentara a sus estudiantes físicos, la mayor parte de los cuales eran alumnos de primer año de ingeniería. Se le ocurrió la creativa idea de asignarles la realización de los cálculos de factibilidad para grandes hábitats espaciales. Para su sorpresa, los hábitats parecían ser factibles incluso para los de muy grande tamaño: cilindros de 8 km (5 millas) de diámetro y 34 km (20 millas) de largo, incluso si eran construidos con materiales ordinarios como acero y vidrio. También, los estudiantes resolvieron problemas tales como protección contra la radiación de los rayos cósmicos, la obtención de ángulos hacia el Sol realistas, provisión de energía, agricultura libre de plagas realista y control de actitud orbital sin motores de reacción. O'Neill publicó un artículo sobre estas propuestas de colonias en Physics Today en 1974. En la ilustración anterior se puede ver una de tales colonias, una clásica Colonia O'Neill. El artículo fue expandido en su libro de 1976 titulado en español Ciudades del Espacio. Play online: Canal de entretenimiento, Ciencia, tecnología y Mucho más. Gracias por visitarnos Suscríbete, déjanos tus Comentarios y Like. ***SUSCRIBETE A MI CANAL.*** Eslogan: En tu forma de expresarte, reflejas lo que eres.

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colonias espaciales, universo, multiversos, viajes al espacio, planetas, documentales en español, bienvenidos al futuro, Hábitat espacial, colonia orbital, colonia espacial, estación espacial, cosmos, sol, el sol, nuestro sol, via lactea, nuestra galaxia, O'Neill, Gerard K. O'Neill, documental de discovery channel en español, documental, documental de animales salvajes en español, documental de sirenas, documental completo, documental na...

Colonizing Mars | National Geographic

Read more Could global warming, a problem here on Earth, be the solution to making Mars a habitable planet? Expedition Week: Mars: Making the New Earth : ➡ Subscribe: About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible. Get More National Geographic: Official Site: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Colonizing Mars | National Geographic National Geographic


Expedition, Week, 4588, Mars: Making the New Earth, Science & Technology: Space, life on mars, greenhouse gas, global warming, national geographic, nat geo, natgeo, animals, wildlife, science, explore, discover, survival, nature, documentary

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